Blog Archive

Monday, May 6, 2019

Background: Planning My Route

I love looking at maps and thinking about trips to take. I've taken many trips on Amtrak, including when I worked as a dining car waiter, but when I looked at the Amtrak route map, I saw a lot of runs I hadn't done, particularly around the perimeter of the country. This trip will fill in some of those gaps.

Beyond that, circumnavigating the entire country in one trip has sort of an epic feel to it. To use a term that's currently popular, I'll be binge-watching the whole country in a month.

In addition to train travel, I'll be doing a few side trips, visiting friends and relatives, doing bicycling and walking tours, and visiting state Capitol buildings and museums.  

Amtrak’s route map


  1. Now this is something I will look forward to daily. Thanks for taking us on the ride Rick!

  2. I thought you already did this on bicycle. Or was that Europe?


Background: Train Travel is Enjoyable and Relaxing

Trains may be the most enjoyable way to travel. Train travel is a great way to connect with people, places and the history of the country. ...