Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Day 2: Heading West into North Dakota

Good morning. Woke up near Fargo. Temperature was 27 degrees. Train is now almost 5 hours behind schedule after being delayed by freight trains. Unfortunately, delays like this are common for the long distance trains, so you have to expect it.

Slept pretty well. We’ve got a Roomette, which is a compact room with two seats facing each other by day. At night, the two seats become a lower bunk and an upper bunk folds down. Guy had the lower bunk and I had the upper. Took some gymnastics to twist into and out of the upper bunk but I've now got the hang of it. Roomettes are very ingeniously designed to maximize use of space.

Hung out in the observation/lounge car last night after dinner. Had a long conversation with a bartender from Aspen who’s traveling the country on a Railpass like I am.

(A Railpass lets you travel on Amtrak for a set period of time and a set number of travel segments. I'll provide some more information about how Railpasses work in a future blog post.)

Amtrak Station in Fargo

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